Wednesday 8 July 2015

More on Class Action Law Suit Against the Indian Child Welfare Act

More information on the lawsuit which has been filed by the Goldwater Institute, challenging the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) can be found at the Turtle Talk blog.The Turtle Talk blog comments that: “This is highly funded, highly professional media campaign.” The blog also provides a link to the complaint  filed to initiate the law suit.  

Paragraph 5 of the complaint sets out the aims of the lawsuit: “They seek a declaration by this Court that certain provisions of ICWA, and Guidelines issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), both facially and as applied, violate the United States Constitution. They also seek an injunction from this Court against the application of certain provisions of ICWA and the accompanying BIA Guidelines.”

 remarks that “It is disappointing that during this era of unprecedented support for Native children and youth, there are still special interests intent on mobilizing their considerable resources to dismantle critical protections for children that Indian Country and our allies fought so hard to establish.

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